Setting Information

IC Background:

All over the world, there are hidden pathways. If you know how, you can get through that door that's always locked in the back of that building, or keep walking past the dead end in that alley, or find an extra bend in that trail through the woods. If you learn how—or you're one of the rare few who stumble through on your own—you'll end up in "the cracks."

If you get there, you probably already had a knack--some trick that set you apart from everyone else. Maybe you've just never understood why everyone else needs to sleep at night. Or maybe you've always been able to fix machines that seem irreparable. Maybe you never realized it was magical, or maybe you've always suspected.

Once through the cracks, you'll learn that there are many people who already live there. Some travel back and forth, while others see no reason to leave. They have their own government and their own society, and they're more concerned about defending themselves from creatures you thought were legends than with anything going on in "the grim."

Because the cracks are where all the myths lost to the rest of the world have been hiding, it is possible to find wielders of magic, sea monsters, and even the occasional dragon still hiding there.

OOC Background:

The game is primarily focused on the political and social happenings within the government and between the factions of the government, but there's also a significant secondary focus on the narrative storyline of each player character. There will also be plenty of exploring the near-by area, interacting with (sometimes on friendly terms, sometimes not) the strange creatures which live through the cracks.

The player characters are all key figure in the politics of the city, ranging from elected leaders to renowned scientists to ritual wizards to reluctant heirs, and the games are set at the biweekly meetings where the government handles the allocation of resources among the factions.