The House of Finders: Angleterre

Angleterre is often referred to as the House of Finders or simply the Finders for both their knack of finding things and for their exploration of the wild areas of the Praetermundus, in fact, at any given time the Family has at least one exploratory party out in the wild. Because of their talents and reputation, members of House Angleterre are often sought after as scouts and team leaders for expeditions into the unknown areas of the Praetermundus.

Not as well known as their knack, is the House's reputation for being sorcerers and their knowledge of various rituals. They have no area of specialty though, since their take on rituals is the same as their take on all knowledge and items in general, which is take/learn whatever you can whenever can for all will be useful eventually. There is much speculation by members of other Houses as to what could be found in the vaults under Angleterre's main house. Who knows what members of the Family may have found with their knacks or just stumbled upon on one of their numerous expeditions. Rumors speak of everything from strange flora and fauna to rare relics to old tomes of lost knowledge.

Current Structure

Like any family they have a patriarch/matriarch being the oldest members of the family. The public leaders are generally those in the age range of 40-60 with those older retiring from active public life. The youngest members of the family are allowed to work for anyone they like, but their personal associations are carefully monitored, or at least as closely as their relatives have time for.

All Family members maintain apartments in their House's compound, even if some hardly use them due to often being out on expeditions. Since security can be an issue for a House who may have as many as half their members out on expeditions at any given time, the Family utilizes various mechanical security devices purchased from House Slattery.


The House of Anjou came to Pittsburgh in the form of Thomas Angleterre a French officer, who helped build Fort Duquesne. Descended from a long line of French nobility and a slightly longer line of sorcerers, Thomas had made quite a name for himself in the French military. Sensing unease in the home country the House of Anjou decided to put their skills and money to more use in the new world. When the French abandoned Fort Duquesne the majority of the family moved to the new world and Thomas left the military to become more involved in family affairs. Lucky for them, considering the coming revolution.

The family has a knack for finding things, which they first used to make their own fortune and then used their knacks to make alliances with the English. They were very early allies of the Shawnee, and were instrumental (along with the Creoda) in the Shawnee becoming a noble faction. Also, the Family began an alliance with House Slattery that continues to benefit both Houses. Each provides an alternative House for members who don't share the interests of their birth House which allows for the occasional influx of new blood into each House.

Over the years many members of the Family have worked closely with a great number of other factions. However, they are one of the more arrogant factions, considering themselves to be the most noble of all of the families.


They have excellent relations with the Shawnee. They have respectful, but aggressive, relations with the other "noble family" factions. Despite their political difference, Angleterre has always supported House Creoda's membership in the Chamber of Lords, even when Creoda seemed weaker than it does today, since they don't much care that none of the original blood remain as long as the name and reputation does. They think the non-noble family factions have no place in the Chamber of Lords, but get along very well with many of the factions in the Chamber of Commons. In particular, they have very good relations with House Slattery (the Tinkers), with whom there have been a number of arranged marriages with in effort to not make the same mistake as House Enfield.