Differential and Integral Calculus (21-120) — Fall 2013

This semester I'm serving as a TA for Differential and Integral Calculus (Sections A and B). I'll put stuff on here as and when it becomes relevant.

Useful links.

Quizzes. There will be a quiz at the beginning of the recitation on Tuesdays. Please arrive on time!

Homework. Homework will be collected in at the beginning of the recitation on Thursdays. If you want to hand work in early, please put it in my pigeon hole in Wean Hall 6113 and send me an email to tell me it's there.

Extra stuff. Occasionally I will assign optional, more challenging assignments. The idea is that, hopefully, if you can do these problems, then you'll have no problems on the tests!

Email. The best way to get hold of me is by sending an email to cnewstead-at-cmu-dot-edu.

Mailbox. I have a mailbox in Wean Hall 6113, which is the best place for submitting early (or late) homework assignments.

Office hours. I will be in my office (Wean Hall 8205) during my office hours:

Tuesdays 14:00–16:00, Wednesdays 16:30–17:30, Fridays 11:00–12:00

If you can't make the office hours and you need my help, I'm just an email away.

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Last updated on Saturday 14th December 2013.