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Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization Seminar
Mike Picollelli
Carnegie Mellon University
Title: The diamond-free process

Abstract: For a fixed graph H, the H-free process is the following random graph process. Starting with n isolated vertices, at each step add a new edge chosen uniformly at random from the non-edges whose addition does not create a (not necessarily induced) copy of H. This process terminates with a maximal H-free graph with a random number M(H) of edges.

For most graphs H containing a cycle, determining the likely asymptotic order of M(H) is an open problem. For H satisfying a particular density condition (strict 2-balancedness), likely lower bounds are known which are conjectured to be optimal, and which have been shown to be for only a few special cases: K3, K4, and cycles of any fixed length. But far less is known for graphs H not satisfying that density condition, with the smallest nontrivial example being the diamond graph, formed by removing an edge from K4. This talk will focus on the diamond-free process (for which we now know the right order of M(H)) and some of the interesting and unexpected complications that arise in its analysis.

Date: Thursday, March 27, 2014
Time: 3:30 pm
Location: Wean Hall 8220
Submitted by:  Boris Bukh