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Publication 99-CNA-10

Second Order Singular Perturbation Models for Phase Transitions

Irene Fonseca
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Carlo Mantegazza
Scuola Normale Superiore
Pisa 56126

Abstract : Singular perturbation models involving a penalization of the first order derivatives have provided a new insight into the role played by surface energies in the study of phase transitions problems. It is known that if $W:{{\mathbb R}}^d \to
[0,+\infty)$ grows at least linearly at infinity and it has exactly two potential wells of level zero at $a, b \in {{\mathbb R}}^d$, then the $\Gamma(L^1)$-limit of the family of functionals

{\mathcal F}_\varepsilon(u):=
...^d)\setminus W^{1,2}(\Omega;{{\mathbb R}}^d)$ ,

where $\Omega$ is a bounded, open set in ${{\mathbb R}}^N$, is given by

\begin{displaymath}{\mathcal F}(u):=
{\rm {\bf m }}\; {\rm Per}_...;\{a,b\})$ },\\
+\infty & \text{ otherwise,

for a suitable constant m depending on the energy density W. In this paper, and motivated by the study of phase transitions for nonlinear elastic materials, the $\Gamma(L^1)$-limit is obtained in the case where in ${\mathcal
F}_\varepsilon(u)$ the penalization term $\varepsilon \vert \nabla
u\vert^2$ is replaced by $\varepsilon^3 \vert \nabla^2 u\vert^2$, for $u \in W^{2,2}(\Omega;{{\mathbb R}}^d)$. The resulting functional is of the same form as $ {\mathcal F}(u)$ above.

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