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Meeting on Large-Scale Computations in the Simulation of Materials

March 30 - April 1, 2000

This is a highly interdisciplinary meeting, bringing together scientists from a wide spectrum ranging from academia to industry and laboratories, and where contemporary challenges imposed by advances in industry, technology, and bio-medical sciences will be confronted with state-of-the-art mathematical and computational tools. Some of the topics covered in this meeting are:

multiscale material modeling, computer design of materials, molecular dynamics, mixtures, colloidal systems, particles in fluids, mathematical models in biology, blood flow calculations, microstructures.

The tentative list of invited speakers includes:



Steve Cox Rice University
Lisa Fauci Tulane University
Tsrong-Whay Pan University of Houston
Grant Heffelfinger Sandia National Laboratory
Daniel Joseph University of Minnesota
Uzi Landman Georgia Institute of Technology
Wayne King Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Arthur Sherman National Institutes of Health
Malcolm Stocks Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Schedule of Talks:

Thursday, March 30, 2000

9:30 Uzi Landman Small is Different: Large-Scale Simulations for
the Nanoscale
10:30 Break
11:00 Wayne King Predictive Multiscale Models of Material Properties
12:00 Lunch
2:00 Daniel Joseph Interrogation of Direct Numerical Simulation of
Solid-Liquid Flows
3:00 Break
3:30 Shlomo Ta'asan From Molecular Dynamics to Continuum Models

Friday, March 31, 2000

9:30 Steve Cox Recovering the Passive Properties of Dendritic
Neurons from Data Recorded at the Cell Body
10:30 Break
11:00 Arthur Sherman Emergent Behavior in Populations of
Insulin-Secreting Cells
12:00 Lunch
2:00 Lisa Fauci Dynamic Modeling of Cell Movement using an
Immersed Boundary Framework
3:00 Break
3:30 - 5:00   Contributed Talks

Saturday, April 1, 2000

9:30 Tsrong-Whay Pan A Fictitious Domain Approach to the Direct Numerical
Simulation of Incompressible Viscous Flow Past Moving
Rigid Bodies: application to Particulate Flow
10:30 Break
11:00 Malcolm Stocks Large Scale First Principles Modeling of Magnetic Materials

Location: Adamson Wing, Baker Hall

To register, please complete the registration form.

Young researchers are encouraged to apply for financial support. The deadline for applications is December 15, 1999.

A block of rooms have been reserved at the
Wyndham Garden Hotel
3454 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: (412) 683-2040
Fax: (412) 688-1986
Toll Free Reservation Number: 877-622-6242

Please mention the CMU Large Scale Computations conference when reserving your room. The block of rooms are reserved until March 7.

Conference Organizers: Anthony Kearsley and Shlomo Ta'asan

For further information please contact:

Large-Scale Computations in the Simulation of Materials Conference
Center for Nonlinear Analysis
Carnegie Mellon University
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Telephone: (412)268-2545
Fax: (412)268-6380
E-mail: cn0s@andrew.cmu.edu

The CNA, established in 1991 is a National Science Foundation sponsored research and training center concentrating in areas including nonlinear analysis, mechanics, scientific computation, and mathematical finance.

WB01062_.GIF (249 bytes) Hotel and restaurant list
WB01062_.GIF (249 bytes) Map
WB01062_.GIF (249 bytes) Transportation


Errors and suggestions to: webmaster@math.cmu.edu