Local Extensions and site specific details

A general markdown cheat sheet can be found here. This file only documents site specific quirks and extensions.


LaTeX can be used between $ signs:

  • $E = mc^2$ renders to $E = mc^2$.

  • Displayed equations can be done with $$ $$ \frac{1}{2 \pi i} \oint \frac{ f(z) }{\zeta - z} \, dz = f(\zeta) $$

  • Labeled equations using \begin{equation} etc. environments: \begin{equation}\label{eq1} -\lap u = 0 \quad\text{in } \Omega \end{equation} can be referred to using \eqref{eq1}: \eqref{eq1}.

  • [[file]] generates a link to file.
  • To specify the link text use [[/index.md|Test]], which links to /index.html and says Test. This renders like this: Test
  • For markdown files, an extension of .md is replaced with .html. Also, if the link text is omitted the title of the linked file is used instead. E.g. [[markdown.md]] renders like this: Markdown test.
  • Links beginning with / will be prefixed with site_prefix.
  • Broken links will generate a warning. E.g.: broken

Syntax highlighting code

The code highlight extension is enabled. Code blocks should be automatically highlighted. Begin the code block with :::language to specify the language. For instance

<p class='lead'>This is <em>html</em></p>

renders as

<p class='lead'>This is <em>html</em></p>

You can also use the fenced code blocks ```…``` style.

Jinja2 commands

All markdown files are rendered by Jinja2 before being passed to a python-markdown. All Jinja2 commands need to be escaped accordingly.

  • {{title}} renders as Local Extensions and site specific details

  • {{1 + 1}} renders as 2

  • {{ markdown("*hello*") }} expands to <p><em>hello</em></p>.

  • Mark a block as raw using

    {% raw %}
    Raw block. No Jinja commands will work here.
    {{ 1 + a }} {% hello %} world
    {% endraw %}
  • Alternately, escape using {{'{{'}}.


  • All markdown files have a YAML metadata block at the top (until the first newline). A few fields used in the current layouts are:

    • title: Document title
    • breadcrumb: List of navigation breadcrumbs.
    • summary: Summary of file (used in the index).
    • tags: Tags. Listed in the index, but nothing fancy is done as of now.
    • layout: Change the default template layout.
    • comments: Set to disabled disable comments (see below).
  • Metadata from a file can be accessed using the function get_meta( file_name, field). Omit field to get the whole metadata block.

Variables and Globbing

  • A few variables are injected into the Jinja2 context, and can be accessed in Jinja2 commands:
    • name: Path of the markdown file (e.g. blog/20171021-setup/local-extensions.md)
    • dirname: Path of directory containing current file (e.g. blog/20171021-setup)
    • basename: Name of markdown file (e.g. local-extensions.md).
    • filesdir: Name of markdown file with extension stripped (e.g. local-extensions). This can be used as a directory to store images, etc.
    • Anything defined in the site.cfg.
  • Existence of files / directories can be tested using path_exists. It returns None if it doesn’t exist, or the full path name from the root directory if it does (e.g. blog/20171021-setup/local-extensions.md).
  • A list of files can be generated using the glob function. For instance, the following will list the 5 most recent markdown files in the current directory and their titles:
    {% set files = glob( '/blog/[0-9]*.md' ) | sort( reverse=True ) -%}
    {% for f in files[:5] -%}
    * File: {{f}}. Title: {{get_meta( f, 'title' )}}
    {% endfor %}


Comments require a CGI script on the server. This script simply takes the contents of the comment, and mails it to the webmaster as a mime attachment. If you decide its not spam, save it (with the recommended filename) in the directory blog/_comments and it will appear on the right post.

If you want comments disabled use the comments: disabled field in the YAML meta data.

Side panel navigation

  • By default markdown files have the layout md-default.j2 which links to md-right-nav-affix.j2. This shows the table of contents on the right on large screens, which highlights the current section and sticks to the top of the window. (Look here for more information on the layouts.)

  • The layout can be changed using

    layout:  md-right-nav.j2

    as meta-data.

  • The contents of _sidenav.md in the same directory is included below the table of contents in some layouts.

  • For class pages (using md-class.j2 layout) contents of _hw.md and _handouts.md are used in the side panel navigation.


Various custom macros are in the includes/macros.j2 file and can be used in markdown documents. A few are listed here.

generates a glyph from here. Disabled. Bootstrap 4 dropped support for glyphicons 🙄, so instead use Unicode emojis directly 😁.
Makes a table with course information taken from the keys in the meta-data (e.g. here.)
Generates a publication list (e.g. here).

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