MAMLS and connected events at CMU during Fall, 2002

One page general announcement in Postscript and PDF

Lodging information

Map of the CMU campus

Wednesday, October 30 : 12:30 p.m.
Baker Hall 150
Mathematical Logic Seminar
Natasha Dobrinen (Penn State)
"Games and general distributive laws in Boolean algebras"

Thursday, October 31 : 4:30 p.m.
Baker Hall A53
(refreshments at 4:15 p.m.)
Pure and Applied Logic Colloquium
John Baldwin (UIC)
"Syntax! Semantics! Databases?"

The PAL Colloquium is sponsored jointly by the CMU Departments of Philosophy, Computer Science and Mathematical Sciences.

A recent addition : Model theory workshop on Friday, November 1 chaired by John Baldwin.

MAMLS meeting schedule

Friday, November 1
Wean 6220
4 p.m. refreshments

Wean 7500
4:30 p.m. Alain Louveau (Paris 6) "Complete analytic equivalence relations"

Saturday, November 2
Baker 136a
9:30 a.m. coffee
10 a.m. Jeremy Avigad (CMU) "Update procedures and the 1-consistency of arithmetic"
11 a.m. Steven Buechler (Notre Dame) "Fine structure in theories of finite rank"
12 p.m. lunch
2 p.m. Matthew Foreman (Irvine) "Natural structures in the universe of set theory"
3 p.m. refreshments
3:30 p.m. Alexei Kolesnikov (CMU) "n-simple theories"
4:30 p.m. Itay Neeman (UCLA) "Effective cardinalities along the Wadge hierarchy"

Sunday, November 3
Baker 136a
9:30 a.m. coffee
10 a.m. Anand Pillay (UIUC) "Morley's theorem for gross models"
11 a.m. John Steel (Berkeley) "Models derived from mice"
12 p.m. Andrés Villaveces (Bogotá & CMU) "On excellent classes"

Social events will include dinners on Thursday and Friday nights, and a party on Saturday night.

MAMLS is supported by the NSF through a conference grant administered by the CUNY Research Foundation. This MAMLS meeting is supported also by funds from the CMU Department of Mathematical Sciences. It is the policy of MAMLS to reimburse graduate students at a flat rate of $35 per meeting for expenses, with special cases handled on an individual basis. In addition, it is the policy of MAMLS to provide support for young researchers, female mathematicians and members of underrepresented groups, on a case by case basis. Inquiries should be directed by e-mail to Ernest Schimmerling.