Approximation Algorithms for Speeding up
Dynamic Programming and Denoising aCGH data

CGH-TRIMMER on a) cell line BT-474, chromosome 5 b) cell line HS578T, chromosome 11

About this Web Site

This web site contains the code, links to the datasets and a brief summary of our contributions contained in our submission to the Journal of Experimental Algorithmics.


Let P=(P1,..,Pn) the noisy input measurements. Our contributions are can be summarized in the following bullets:
  • We propose a new formulation of the aCGH denoising problem which we solve using a vanilla dynamic programming algorithm in O(n^2) time.
  • We provide a technique which approximates the optimal value of our objective function within additive \epsilon error and runs in Õ(n^{4/3+\delta}log(\frac{U}{\epsilon}) time, where \delta is an arbitrarily small positive constant and U=max(sqrt{C},(|P_i|)_{i=1,...,n}).
  • We provide another technique for approximate dynamic programming which solves the corresponding recurrence within a multiplicative factor of (1+$\epsilon$) and runs in $O(n \log{n} / \epsilon )$.
  • We validate our proposed model on both synthetic and real data. Specifically, our segmentations result in superior precision and recall compared to leading competitors on benchmarks of synthetic data and real data from the Coriell cell lines. In addition, we are able to find several novel markers not recorded in the benchmarks but supported in the oncology literature.

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Source Code

CGHTRIMMER is implemented in MATLAB. You can download the source code from this link (zip) or from this link (tar.gz). A C implementation (not used in the paper) with a simple demo is also available from this link (.c).


Dataset Availability
Lai et al 2005
Willenbrock et al. 2005
Coriell Cell Lines load coriell_baccgh in Matlab or Nature
Berkeley Breast Cancer See bundled dataset .mat inside our code or ICBP.LBL.GOV


You can download the figures contained in our paper from this link (zip) .