21-120 Differential and Integral Calculus

Instructor: Caner Kazanci.

Office: Wean Hall 6207

Phone: x3187 (412-268-3187 from external lines)

E-mail: ckazanci@andrew.cmu.edu

Course Information: Syllabus is here.

About this website: Please visit this website to get the homework assignments, see the solutions of quizzes, read the announcements and get general information about the course. (test times, syllabus etc.)

About the office hours: Office hours are everyday (monday-friday) between 10:30am - 11:20am. You are always welcome to e-mail me and set up an appointment if you can't make it to the office hours. Also if you catch me anytime in my office and have some questions, please feel free to ask your questions.

About the assignments: Homework assignments will be posted on this website (see below) everyday before noon as usual. Konstantin Andreev is the grader and please drop your assignments in his mailbox located at Wean Hall 6113 before 4pm on the due date. You can still hand in your assignments in class if you want to, and I will drop them in his mailbox. Each homework problem is graded out of 3 points: 0/3 if no or unrelated work is done, 1/3 if there are major errors,  2/3 for minor errors, 3/3 for correct solutions. Some problems in the homework assignments may be slightly more challenging than the rest; in this case, please e-mail me, or visit me during my office hours (or by appointment) to ask  your questions about the assignments. Assignments will be graded and returned back to you. Late assignments won't be accepted. Your lowest assignment grade will be dropped.

About the quizzes: There will be pop quizzes. Each quiz along with its solution will be posted on this website right after the quiz. There will be no make-ups for the quizzes, but your lowest quiz grade will be dropped. The quizzes will be graded and will be handed in the next day.

About the tests: Tests will be in the same room, at the same time. There will be four tests. The test dates are listed in the syllabus. Any changes on these dates will be posted on this website and announced in class.

Assignments: Hw1, Hw2, Hw3, Hw 4, Hw 5, Hw6, Hw7, Hw8, Hw9, Hw10, Hw11, Hw12, Hw13Hw14, Hw15, Hw16, Hw17, Hw18, Hw19, Hw20.

Quizzes: Quiz 1, Quiz2, Quiz3...

Announcements: (Please read !!!)