Andrew McDowell

Department of Mathematical Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University

Office: Wean Hall 7130
Email: amcdowel AT

I am a post-doctoral researcher, visiting CMU for 6 months supported by a Post-doctoral Mobility Grant from the LMS.

My research interests lie in the field of graph theory with a particular interest in random graphs and hypergraphs and complexity problems arising from graph structures.


Arxiv versions of two of my papers can be found here;
Non-Vertex-Balanced Factors in Random Graphs

Joint work with Stefanie Gerke. Published in the Journal of Graph theory 2014.

DNA origami and the complexity of Eulerian circuits with turning costs
Joint work with Joanna A. Ellis-Monaghan, Iain Moffatt and Greta Pangborn. Published in Natural Computing 2014.

21-301 Combinatorics

While at CMU, I am teaching section B of the course 21-301 Combinatorics.
Course site