Click on a topic!
Mathematics links Carnegie Mellon links Job search resources Teaching resources
Operations Research Cross registration interest Calculus Links Study skills
About mathematics Study abroad information Rembrandt Software and calculators, etc.
Mathematics related organizations Graduate school information A bit of humor Pittsburgh links
Opportunities for undergraduates Summer opportunities Actuarial science Qatar links
Registration and advising Miscellaneous links Links for precollege students Disclaimer

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The Good News Network

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Opportunities for undergraduates

Research Experience for Undergraduates list
Research Experience for Undergraduates sites list by the AMS
UCLA Summer Institute Research in Industrial projects
Interdisciplinary Program in High Performance Computing
The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition In 2014 CMU had 55 students in the top 507.
Virginia Tech Regional Mathematics Contest
MCM: The Mathematical Contest in Modeling
Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics
Introduction to Algebraic Geometry At University of Utah
Department of Homeland Security Scholarships
Soros Fellowships for New Americans
CMU Summer Undergraduate Applied Mathematics Institute
Fifth Year Scholars Program Do a project, get a fifth year nearly free!
Jennings Family Brave Companions Fund Summer travel or study abroad
CMU Undergraduate Research Initiative Get a grant!
MCS College Honors
CMU Office of International Education
Fellowship Resource Advising Center
Emerging Leaders A Spring program for first year students

Top of page

Calculus links

"Calculus is the outcome of a dramatic intellectual struggle which has lasted for twenty-five hundred years."
- Richard Courant (1888-1972)

Derivative at a Point Watch secant line approach the tangent line*
Area so far function*
Exploration of Riemann sums Look at the approximation for right hand sums
Definition of ln(x) as a definite integral
Exponential Growth and The Rule of 70
Newton's Method derived
Very nice Newton's Method demonstration
Another very nice Newton's Method demonstration
Polar grapher

* Developed by Dan Sloughter of Furman University. See his website.

Doing Well in Calculus

Top of page

Mathematics links

"Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit."
- Stefan Banach (1892-1945)

Mathematics Information Servers Good place to investigate grad schools
Mathematical Atlas indexed by Mathematics Subject Classification
Eric Weissteins' World of Mathematics
Math resources by subject A search engine
Math Pages
The Topology Atlas
Graph theory resources
A history of the Four Color Problem
Number Theory Web
Fibonacci numbers and nature
Animated Fibonacci activities
The Mystery of Fibonacci Numbers
Towers of Hanoi demo
A history of the perfect number problem
The Sierpinski Gasket
Leibniz and Pascal Triangles
A history of the perfect number problem with a list of those known
Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search Finding World Record Primes Since 1996
The π-Search Page
The World of π
The Prime Pages
Integer Sequence Resources
Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem
The Continuum Hypothesis
Euclid's Elements - David Joyce's applet version
Geometry from the Land of the Incas
Macalester College Problem of the Week
Interactive Mathematics Miscuellany and Puzzles Mathematics preprints
Top of page

About mathematics

"Mathematics is one of the essential emanations of the human
spirit, a thing to be valued in and for itself, like art or poetry."

- Oswald Veblen (1880-1960)

Wikipedia Math Portal
Mathematical Quotations
The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive
Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathematics
The Mathematics Genealogy Project
Women Mathematicians-Alphabetical Index
Info on the Erdös number project
Theorem of the Day
How To Write Proofs
Introduction to mathematical arguments

Top of page

Mathematics related organizations

"I like to think of mathematicians as forming a nation of our own without distinctions of geographical
origin, race, creed, sex, age or even time... all dedicated to the most beautiful of the arts and sciences."

- Julia Robinson (1919-1985)

Allegheny Mountain Section of the MAA
e-MATH Home Page American Mathematics Society
Association for Women in Mathematics
INFORMS: Home Page The operations research organization
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications
International Association of Financial Engineers
Mathematical Association of America: MAA Online
Mathematical & Computational Sciences Division of NIST
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
National Security Agency
The National Science Foundation
NSF: Student Interests
Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Society of Actuaries
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
American Statistical Association
Carnegie Mellon University Math Club

Top of page

Registration and advising

Warner Hall is the home of
The Hub, the Registrar,
the Office of International
Education,and the office of
the Dean of Student Affairs.
Doherty Hall is the home of the
Mellon College of Science
Associate Dean for
Undergraduate Affairs.
Interactive Schedule Of Classes
CMU Undergraduate Catalog
Mathematical Sciences Undergraduate Programs
Mellon College of Science Undergraduate Information
MCS Core for students entering Fall 15 or later
Academic Calendar
MCS College Honors
MCS Humanities & Social Sciences and Fine Arts Requirements
CMU Undergraduate Mathematics courses
MCS Transfer Credit Policy
Ap Credit Policy
OLR direct link
The CMU HUB cross registration process
CMU Schedule-O-Matic
Student forms
Exam conflict policy
Office of International Education

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Carnegie Mellon links

CMU News
CMU Events Lectures, etc.
The Piper A campus news puplication archives
Mathematical Sciences Undergraduate Program
Mellon College of Science Undergraduate Information
Career Center
CMU Mathematics courses
Current undergraduate course offerings
Bachelor of Science in Computational Finance
Mathematical Sciences Department
Pure and Applied Logic at CMU
ALADDIN: ALgorithmic ADaptation, Dissemination and INtegration
Center for Nonlinear Analysis
Center for Computational Finance
Hoskinson Center for Formal Mathematics
Mellon College of Science
Mellon College of Science Information for prospective students
Fifth Year Scholars Program Do a project, get a fifth year nearly free!
CMU Study Abroad office
Undergraduate Research Initiative Get a grant!
Scholarship database
Bachelor of Science and Arts (BSA) Degree Program
Carnegie Mellon University Libraries Front Door
Kilthub Research Showcase
Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation
Mellon College of Science Career Center
Mellon College of Science Career Consulting
Summer Undergraduate Applied Mathematics Institute Our Research Experience for Undergrads program
Carnegie Mellon Summer School of Logic and Formal Epistemology
Technical Opportunities Conference A September event to meet potential employers and internship possibilities
Business Opportunities Conference Another September event to meet potential employers and internship possibilities
Integrative Design, Arts and Technology (IDeATe) A program connecting computer science, engineering, and the arts
Data Science Graduate Study at CMU
The Leonard Gelfand Center A resource for outreach and gifted students
Academic Development Get a tutor; become a tutor
IMPAQT Spend your Spring Break in Qatar!
The Bridge Find out what's happening!
Computing Services
Carnegie Mellon Green Practices
TechBridgeWorld Creating technology accessible and relevant to all
Student Health Services
Carnegie Mellon Athletics
Club Sports
CMU Crew
Random Distance Run
CMU Tartan Sports Analytics Club
School of Drama Box Office
The Official Home of the Band Without Pants!
All University Orchestra
Scotch 'n' Soda Theatre
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Carnegie Mellon
Dining locations For when you get hungry!
Carelink Find help, offer services

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Job search resources

"If you can DREAM it, you can DO it."
- Walt Disney (1901-1996)

Jobbydoo search engine Over 1,000,000 US jobs
Career Profiles from the Mathematics Association
Association for Women in Mathematics Career page
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Career page
Career Information from the American Mathematical Society
Employer posted positions for CMU mathematics majors
Cyber Security Jobs & Careers Guide
Mathematical Sciences Career Information
Career Information from the AMS
Mellon College of Science Career Center
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Graduate school survival guide Specifically for Computing and mathematical sciences
CareerWeb, jobs, careers, resumes, computers, engineering, resume database, jobs database, books, bookstore, advice, mosaic, monster
The QUANTster Jobs in quantitative finance
U. S. Department of Energy careers
Cybersecurity careers
How to Become a Mathematics Teacher Information on standards, testing, salaries, etc.
Teach for America
The Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowships
Carney Sandoe & Associates | Welcome to CS&A Recruiter for independent schools.
Recruiting New Teachers Home Page
Southern Teachers Agency
Baltimore City Teaching Residency
Mississippi Teacher Corps

Top of page

Summer opportunities

Research Experience for Undergraduates list
UCLA Summer Institute Research in Industrial projects
Science and engineering internships
Statistics internships
Interdisciplinary Program in High Performance Computing
Jennings Family Brave Companions Fund Summer travel or study abroad
Federal Reserve Board internships
Internship & Co-op Opportunities for Undergraduates
FBI Internships
CMU Summer Undergraduate Applied Mathematics Institute
International Volunteer Headquarters
Guide to Internships Abroad

Top of page

Actuarial science

Society of Actuaries Register for exams here!
ASA & CERA Curriculum Changes
Casualty Actuarial Society
Be an Actuary A site explaining the career including sample tests
The Actuaries Hall Great test resource from Prof. Finan of Arkansas Tech
DW Simpson Actuary Jobs
Actuarial placements and salary surveys - Actuary / Actuarial Indepth Information, Jobs - actuary jobs - actuarial jobs
Pryor Executive Search Insurance Recruiting Specialists
ACTEX Publications, Mad River Books and ACTEX Actuarial Recruiting
Actuarial Science Lots of information!
Validation by Educational Experience (VEE)
Searchable Directory of Approved Courses for VEE credit by institution
Actuarial Society of Greater New York Actuarial Career Day: Annually in January
Ezra Penland Actuarial Recruitment Salary data,publication, positions, a scholarship
CMU Actuarial Club

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Operations research

INFORMS Education Resources Library
Operations Research: The Science of Better
Michael Trick's Operations Research Page A great source from a Tepper School professor.
American graduate programs in operations research
Michael Trick's Operations Research Blog
Dr. Anna Nagurney's blog RENeW
Women in OR/MS
INFORMS: Home Page The main operations research professional society
Tutorial on using the Excel Solver add-in
Frontline Systems Developer of the Solver Excel add in. Link includes a tutorial and a download.
Optimization Solver The solver for Open Office
Link to download Solver for a Mac
Student versions of LINDO and LINGO can be downloaded from LINDO Systems Home Page.
A student version of MPL can be downloaded from Maximal Software
Linear Programming Frequently Asked Questions
An on-line implementation of the simplex algorithm

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Cross registration interest

The CMU HUB cross registration process Download forms here.
Carlow University
Chatham University Teaching certification courses
Community College of Allegheny County
Duquesne University Math Dept
University of Pittsburgh
Pitt campus map Registration - and their Math Department - are in Thackeray Hall.
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Presbyterian affiliation
Robert Morris University Offers actuarial science courses
St. Vincent College In Latrobe.
Seton Hill University In Greensburg.

Top of page

Graduate School Information

Mathematics Information Servers Lots of information on graduate departments customizable graduate school ranking
A really big list of graduate programs in math, applied math, OR, statistics, biostatistics, and Math education
Graduate school survival guide Specifically for Computing and mathematical sciences
Graduate Record Examination homepage
Operations Research Graduate Programs
L S A C . o r g - Official LSAT Site of the Law School Admission Council
Searchable AMS Phd and Masters degree program list
A guide to online masters degree programs Information on getting an MBA including taking the GMAT test
Exam Focus Free sample GMAT and other sample questions
Academic programs in financial engineering
Data Science Graduate Study at CMU
Recent Math Sciences job placement and graduate school admissions
Professor Schimmerlings advice on applying to PhD programs

Top of page

Study Abroad links

CMU Study Abroad office
Budapest semester
EuroScholars - European Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Math in Moscow
National University of Ireland, Galway
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
The University of Melbourne
Study Abroad with IES Links to programs in several countries
IES Barcelona
Math in Moscow
Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany
Knowledge Exchange Institute A variety of programs including two in Russia
Wisdom Study Abroad
Going Global: A student's road map to studying abroad
Search for study abroad opportunities
Semester at Sea Find your education abroad!
Study engineering abroad
The School for Field Studies
Guide to Studying Abroad and Scholarships
How (and Why) to Study Abroad as a Medical & Health Student
Best Practices for Using a VPN While Traveling
Safety tips for student travel abroad

Top of page

Software and calculators, etc.

Tutorial on using the Excel Solver add-in
The Free Online Graphing Calculator Can also be downloaded.
For information on TI calculators Texas Instruments.
Student versions of LINDO and LINGO can be downloaded from LINDO Systems Home Page.
Frontline Systems Developer of the Solver Excel add in. Link includes a tutorial and a download.
Teaching Linear Programming using Microsoft Excel Solver
An on-line implementation of the simplex algorithm
Another on-line simplex algorithm Allows the user to choose the pivots
AMPL: A modeling language for mathematical programming
For information on Maple MapleSoft Home Page.
A Wikipedia article with a selection of examples illustrating Maple.
LATEX for Windows (MiKTeX)
WinEdt editor configured for MiKTeX
LATEX Math Symbols
Michael A. Morrison LATEX links page
The Comprehensive LATEX Symbol List Nearly 300 pages worth!
Colors in LATEX

Top of page

Teaching resources

"Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality."
- Dalai Lama XIV (1935-)

The Eberley Center for Teaching Excellence at Carnegie Mellon.
Project NExT -- New Experiences in Teaching Opportunities for beginning math professors.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Calculus graphics -- Douglas N. Arnold
Earth Math Class projects
The MAA Mathematical Sciences Digital Library
Resources on education from Richard Felder
The Math Forum Some interesting, useful stuff!
Educational Software for K-12 and Post Secondary Schools
The R. L. Moore legacy and method
A Handbook for Mathematics Teaching Assistants by Tom Rishel

Top of page

Study skills

"Some people dream of accomplishing great things. Others stay awake and make it happen."
- Moshin Jameel

Common Errors in College Math
CMU Office of Academic Development Peer tutoring, academic counseling, other help.
The Global Communication Center at CMU Help with writing and communications.
Tips for First-Year Students
Been There Should've Done That: 995 Tips for Making the Most of College Inexpensive book full of advice
How to succeed in mathematics Includes reading the text, studying, and test advice.
How to sleep well in a college dorm
How Listening to the Body’s Clock Can Help Students Learn Faster & Be More Productive
24 Tips for Dorm Living
How to be a Successful Neurodivergent College Student

Top of page

Links for pre-college students

"Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today."
- Malcom X (1925-1965)

Gelfand Center List of K-12 Opportunities
Leap@CMU - a CMU program in Computer Science for Pittsburgh area students
CMU Summer Pre-College Programs
The Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences
The Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences Alumni Association
How different are college and high school?
Tips for First-Year Students
Expectations of students in science and engineering calculus

Summer Math Camps and Programs for High School Students
techbridge Inspire a girl to change the world
Girls Advancing in STEM
STEM Identity Resources for Women and Girls
Awesome Math Program
Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists
Art of Problem Solving On-line courses, LaTeX
College in High School at the University of Pittsburgh
Super Mathter A Math/English/Grammar workbook system
American Mathematics Contest 12
Center for Talented Youth - Johns Hopkins University
Stanford University Pre-Collegiate Studies
RiverQuest Science on the rivers!
MathPath: Advanced Summer Camp for students age 11-14
Program in Algorithmic and Combinatorial Thinking At Princeton
Davidson Institute Free Programs and Support for Profoundly Gifted Students under 18

Math Learning Disability Resource

The SmartStudentTM Guide to Financial Aid
Scholarships and Financial Aid for Women
Student Loan Calculator / College Savings Calculator
Saving for college - a guide to 529 programs
This is NOT a link, but try a search for "Scholarship search platform". Probably quite interesting!
Scholarships for Minority Students

Pursuing College as an Undocumented Student

Art of Problem Solving A collection of specially-designed resources for eager math students
Top Eight Places We Use Math in Daily Life

Print your own graph paper!
Still more graph paper!

Top of page

Pittsburgh links

Pittsburgh events
Another take on Pittsburgh events
Eventbrite Yet another take on Pittsburgh events
The Knit The Bridge Project - August 10-11, 2013
Citiparks Pittsburgh has some great parks!
Awesome Pittsburgh
Public Source Stories for a better Pittsburgh
Watch Pittsburgh's bald eagles live Pittsburgh has eagles? Who knew?
Frick Park Lawn Bowling Club
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust presentations
Pittsburgh Opera
Pittsburgh Public Theater
City Theatre
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra
Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera
Chatham Baroque
Chamber Orchestra of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Playhouse
August Wilson Center
Quantum Theatre
Shakespeare in the Parks
Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre Company
River City Brass
Heinz Chapel Choir
Mendelssohn Choir of Pittsburgh
Renaissance City Choirs
August Wilson Center for African American Culture
The Oaks Theater Very interesting offerings!
Kelly-Strayhorn Theater A community performing arts center
The Edgewood Symphony Orchestra
Bach, Beethoven and Brunch Classical Music Series Music in the park!
Pittsburgh Speakers Series
Pittsburgh Arts and Lectures
WQED Pittsburgh Home Page Public radio and television, classical music at 89.3
WQED Podcasts
WQED Cultural Calendar
90.5 Essential Public Media The new version of WDUQ: NPR, BBC, Car Talk, etc.
wyep 91.3fm :: where the music matters
The Saturday Light Brigade Radio for your Saturday morning
The Pittsburgh Jazz Channel An on-line jazz station
The Andy Warhol Museum Warhol was born in Pittsburgh, studied at Carnegie Tech
Carnegie Museum of Art Just down the street from CMU
Carnegie Museum of Natural History Just down the street from CMU
Powdermill Nature Reserve
Carnegie Science Center Includes Omnimax theater
Frick Art and Historical Center Art, history, antique cars, greenhouse, restaurant, arboretum
Pittsburgh Aviary The national aviary
The Greater Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival A late Summer event
Senator John Heinz Pittsburgh Regional History Center
Pittsburgh Voyager Science on the rivers!
Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens Across Schenley Park from CMU
Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium
Pittsburgh Center for the Arts
Society for Contemporary Craft
The Nationality Rooms at the University of Pittsburgh
The Clemente Museum
Three Rivers Arts Festival Downtown
Pittsburgh Art Places Find public art and arts venues
A Fair in the Park Early Fall at the corner of Fifth and Shady
Shadyside Art Festival Walnut Street
Tree Pittsburgh
Children's Museum of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Toy Lending Library Indoor playspace for children, birth through kindergarten
Pittsburgh Steelers Football
Pittsburgh Pirates Baseball
Pittsburgh Penguins Hockey
Pittsburgh Passion Women's Football
The Pittsburgh Riverhounds Soccer
Pittsburgh Marathon A may event
Bike Pittsburgh
Kayak Pittsburgh See the Burgh from a river!
Port Authority Of Allegheny County Mass transit. The 28X goes CMU to/from Airport cheaply!
Ali Baba Restaurant Middle Eastern food
Smiling Banana Leaf Thai food - vegan friendly
The Silk Elephant Thai food
China Palace Restaurant Vegan friendly!
Wai Wai Restaurant Chinese cuisine
Paris 66 Every day French cuisine
Café Moulin
Sushi Too
La Feria Peruvian food, but you can also get an Arnold Palmer!
Brick n' Mortar Make a little trip to Heidelberg!
The Shadyside neighborhood
The Oakland neighborhood
The bridges of Pittsburgh
The Westmoreland Museum of American Art
Westmoreland Symphony Orchestra
The Apple Hill Playhouse
The Palace Theater attractions
SummerSounds Greensburg's Free Concerts in the Park
Latrobe Art Center
Latrobe Area Historical Society
Top of page

Qatar links

Carnegie Mellon Qatar Campus
Weill Medical College of Cornell University in Qatar
Texas A&M University at Qatar
Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar
Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar
Northwestern University in Qatar
HEC Paris Executive Education
Faculty of Islamic Studies
The Qatar Foundation
The Doha Debates
Qatar Tourism
Map of Qatar
Museum of Islamic Art
Hukoomi - Qatar Government on-line
Map of Doha
Qatar Tourismb Authority
Qatar Academy
American School of Doha
Souq Waqif Shopping and dining in a restored traditional market!
The Peninsula On-line: Qatar's leading English Daily
Aljazeera.Net English
Al Alarabiya News
Doha weather forecast
Qatar Exchange
Muslim Prayer Time Schedule for Doha QATAR
Your source for Arabic books for children A business created by a CMU-Q grad
The Fishmarket
Neo Restaurant
Top of page


"Rembrandt's art is so rich and complex that to seek a single formula
which could provide us with a complete explanation is futile."

- Julius Held (1905-2002)

Famous Rembrandt paintings
Ultra high resolution Night Watch
The Leiden Collection
Aristotle with a Bust of Homer
Drawings by Rembrandt
Tour the artist's former home
Rembrandt chronology
The Rembrandt Database
Rembrandt van Rijn: Life, paintings, etchings, drawings & self portraits
Top of page

Some miscellaneous links

"I was at that part of self-exploration where you have to be surrounded
with miscellanea in all of its diversity in order to figure things out."

- Addie Zierman (1981 - )

PDFDRIVE Over 81 million free e-books!
BBC Culture
West-Eastern Divan Orchestra
Calculated Risk Blog
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Nature Photography - A Beginner's Guide
A mighty girl To encourage smart, confident, and courageous girls
Today in science history
Today in history
literature-map In case you need a new author to read ...
When Is - Dates of Religious and Civil Holidays Around the World
Toastmasters International CMU has a chapter of this organization dedicated to learning effective speaking skills.
Great American speeches
The Official US Time Just in case you need to know!
Time and Date
Americans Who Tell the Truth
American Philatelic Society
Gun Violence Archive Very sad
Top of page

A bit of humor

"A day without laughter is a day wasted."
- Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977)

FoxTrot by Bill Amend
Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed
xkcd: A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.
PHD Comics: A grad student comic strip
Spiked Math Comics
Nude men clock In case you need the time - and a smile! Click to toggle between analog and digital!
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