In this directory are several pdf files: My book series A course in model theory in 3 volumes. The books will be published by Cambridge University Press, the first volume is scheduled for July 2009.

I hope to be able to update the files often. For students currently in my course I suggest to use always the most recent version.


Volume I is about 82% complete, the final version is planed to have about 550 pages and many sections of the current version will be extensively revised.

At present, Volume II is the least developed, I don't expect to be able to post it in the near future, only the table of contents is available, the current TOC is not an accurate reflection of my plan, it is computer generated based on written sections.

The posted version of Volume III is a preliminary incomplete draft, the currently posted version is less than 50% of the plan, it is posted to satisfy curiosity of certain people. I plan to post an improved version by February 2009.

I appreciate any comments, suggestions and/or corrections you might have.

If you know someone who might be interested to have access to these files please don't provide it, ask them to email me for the password. I am maintaining a list of all people who have access to these files.

Rami's home page.
Last modified: December 2th, 2008