Congestion on Multilane Highways


All computations in this section were run with the following equilibrium relations:

$\displaystyle v_1(\rho) = v^{\infty}_1(1- \rho/\rho_{\rm max})\ {\rm and}\ v_2 (\rho) =
 v^{\infty}_2 (1-\rho/\rho_{\rm max}).$ (1)

These transform to

$\displaystyle V_1 (\gamma) = v^{\infty}_1 \left(1 - \frac{L}{\gamma}\right) \ {\rm and}\ 
 V_2 (\gamma) = v^{\infty}_2 \left(1- \frac{L}{\gamma}\right)$ (2)

where $ L = {\displaystyle \frac{1}{\rho_{\rm max}}}$. The specific parameter used were

$\displaystyle v^{\infty}_1 = 100\ {\rm feet/sec}\ = \frac{100 \times 3600}{5280} = 
 68.1818 \ldots\ {\rm mph}$ (3)

$\displaystyle v^{\infty}_2 = 40\ {\rm feet/sec} = \frac{40 \times 3600}{5280} =
 27.2727 \ldots \ {\rm mph}$ (4)


$\displaystyle L = 15\ {\rm feet}.$ (5)

The latter number corresponds to a maximum car density of

$\displaystyle \rho_{\rm max} = \frac{1}{15}\ {\rm cars/foot}\ = \frac{5280}{15} = 352\
 {\rm cars/mile}.$ (6)

We used the constant switch curve introduced by Sopasakis [1]:

$\displaystyle \gamma (u) = \gamma_* \ \ \ , \ \ \ 0 \leq u$ (7)

with $ \gamma_* = 20$ feet. For initial data we chose 3 sets of data:

$\displaystyle x^{(k)}_m (0) = 20m + .1 \sin \left(\frac{km \pi}{200}\right)$ (8)

for $ - \infty \leq m \leq \infty$ and $ k=1,2$, and 3. The observation that

$\displaystyle x^{(k)}_{400}(0) = 8000\ {\rm feet}\ = 1.5151 \ldots \ {\rm miles}$ (9)


$\displaystyle x^{(k)}_{m+400}(0) = x^{(k)}_{m}(0) + 8000$ (10)

implies we may interpret the data as initial data for a ring-road with 400 cars which is of length 1.5151... miles. We chose constant initial velocities

$\displaystyle u^{(k)}_m (0) = .5 (V_1(\gamma_*)+V_2(\gamma_*)),\ 1 \leq m \leq 400$ (11)


$\displaystyle u^{(k)} (0) = 17.5\ {\rm feet/sec}\ = 11.931818 \ldots\ {\rm mph},\ 1 \leq m
 \leq 400.$ (12)

These data guarantee points on both sides of the switch curve. Simulations were run with relaxation times

$\displaystyle \epsilon = 1,2,4,\ {\rm and}\ 8.$ (13)

A word is inorder about the simulations which follow. The first two frames in each figure are self-explanatory. In the third frame of each figure we plot the curve $ m \rightarrow (\gamma_m = x_{m+1} - x_m, u_m)$. This curve is shown in black. The blue curves are the equilibrium curves $ \gamma \rightarrow (\gamma, V_1,(\gamma))$ and $ \gamma \rightarrow (\gamma ,V_2(\gamma))$ and the red curve is the image of $ u\rightarrow (20,u)$. The red dot - o - is the image of $ (\gamma_1,u_1)$. The discontinuities in the profiles propagate at the speed

$\displaystyle c \simeq 227.6 \pm .1\ \ \ \ {\rm cars/minute}.$ (3.14)


Lagrangian Representation
e = 1 e = 2 e = 4 e = 8
k = 1 view view view view
k = 2 view view view view
k = 3 view view view view

Eulerian Representation
e = 1 e = 2 e = 4 e = 8
k = 1 view view view view
k = 2 view view view view
k = 3 view view view view


Lagrangian Representation source code

Eulerian Representation source code

Paper (ps)

Paper (pdf)

Pei-Jen Lin