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Math 21-101 Spring 2017
Freshman Seminar: Networks and Models

Updated 6 February 2017

Due 1/20: Think about a network that happens in real life. What do you think might be interesting about it? What kinds of questions do you have about its structure and behavior? Write a few paragraphs about the kinds of things you think might be interesting about your favorite network.

Due 1/23: Complete problems 1 and 2 in Chapter 2 of Networks, Crowds, and Markets

Due 1/27: PDF file. LaTeX file.

Due 1/30: PDF file. LaTeX file.

Due 2/3: PDF file. LaTeX file.

Due 2/8: PDF file. LaTeX file.

Due 2/24: What applications can you think of for the various proximity-based models we have discussed? What application can you imagine for RGG, or for Kleinberg Small-World models? Write a little about the mathematical features of these models and how they might fit your proposed applications.