Ernest Schimmerling ; Basic and Intermediate Logic ; Chapter 4 exercises

© Ernest Schimmerling

Online textbook for Basic and Intermediate Logic

Exercises for Chapter 4

Exercise 4.1

Prove that ( ℚ , < ) is an elementary substructure of ( ℝ , < ).

Exercise 4.2

Prove that ( ℝ , < ) and ( { x ∈ ℝ ∣ x ≠ 0 } , < ) are not isomorphic.

Exercise 4.3

Describe an algorithm that takes as an input a formula φ ( u̅ ) and outputs a quantifier-free formula ψ ( u̅ ) such that

    DLO ⊢ ∀ u̅ ( φ ↔ ψ ).

Exercise 4.4

Prove that there is no consistent theory Σ such that every model of Σ is a model of DLO with the least upper bound property.

Exercise 4.5

A structure A = ( | A | , RA ) is a wellordering iff A is a linear ordering and, for every nonempty S ⊆ | A |, there exists x ∈ S such that for all y ∈ S, either   x RA y   or   x = y.

Prove that there is no theory Σ such that every model of Σ is a wellordering and Σ has an infinite model.

Exercise 4.6

Let A be a structure in a language that includes a binary relation symbol R. (There may be other symbols too.)

Assume that ( | A | , RA ) is a wellordering.

  1. Prove that if B and C are elementary substructures of A, then | B | ∩ | C | is the universe of an elementary substructure of A.

  2. Let S = { x ∈ | A | ∣ there is a formula φ ( u ) in the language of A such that ( A , x ) ⊨ ∀ u ( φ ( u ) ↔ u ≈ cx }

    1. Prove that S is the universe of an elementary substructure of A.
    2. Prove that for every structure B, if B ≼ A, then S ⊆ | B |.

Exercise 4.7


    A = ( ℝ , 0A , 1A, | ⋅ | A, +A , -A , ×A , ÷A , <A )

be a structure with the standard zero, one, absolute value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (made total) and less than.

Let π : A ≈ A* ≼ B be as in § 4.4.

Define a relation ≡ on | B | by setting x ≡ y iff y -B x ∈ Finite ( B ).

  1. Prove that ≡ is an equivalence relation on | B |.
  2. Prove that Finite = [ 0B ].

    (Here we write [ x ] for the equivalence class of x.)

  3. Prove that for every x ∈ | B |,   ( [ x ] , <B ) is a model of DLO.
  4. Prove that for all x , y ∈ | B |,   ( [ x ] , <B ) and ( [ y ] , <B ) are isomorphic.
  5. Find a function f : ℝ → | B | such that, for all x , y ∈ ℝ, if x <A y, then

    • f ( x ) <B f ( y )   and
    • [ f ( x ) ] ≠ [ f ( y ) ].

Exercise 4.8

Let A be as in Exercise 4.7.

Let π : A ≈ A* ≼ B be as in § 4.4.

Let y ∈ Finite ( B ) - | A* |.

Prove that there is a unique way to write y as x +B δ where x ∈ | A* | and δ is infinitesimal.

(x is called the standard part of y.)

Follow this hint:

Let S = { x ∈ | A* | ∣ x <B y }.

Say why S is nonempty and S has an upper bound in A*.

We know that A has the least upper bound property. (Do not include a proof of this fact!)

Explain why A* has the least upper bound property too.

Therefore, S has a least upper bound in A*.

Let   x = lub ( S ).

Let   δ = y -B x.

Prove that δ is an infinitesimal.

Prove that if   y = x' +B δ'   where x' ∈ | A* | and δ' is an infinitesimal, then   x' = x   and   δ' = δ.

Exercise 4.9

Let f : ℝ → ℝ be a function.

Use the language from Exercise 4.8 expanded by a unary function symbol F.

Use A from Exercise 4.8 expanded so that FA = f.

Let π : A ≈ A* ≼ B be as in § 4.4.

Prove that the following are equivalent.

  1. f is continuous at zero according to the definition from your calculus course, namely:

    For every real number s > 0, there exists a real number r > 0 such that for every real number x, if | x | < r, then | f ( x ) - f ( 0 ) | < s.

  2. FB ( 0B ) is the standard part of FB ( ε ) for every infinitesimal ε.

Exercise 4.10

Let I be an infinite set and U be an ultrafilter over I.

Let Ai for i ∈ I be structures with a common language.

Let B = Ult ( < Ai ∣ i ∈ I > , U ).

Assume that U is principal.

In other words, there exists i ∈ I such that U = { X ⊆ I ∣ i ∈ X }

Prove that B is isomorphic to Ai.

Exercise 4.11

Let A = ( ω , <A ) where <A is the usual ordering of ω.

Let U be a nonprincipal ultrafilter over ω.

Let B = Ult ( A , U ).

Draw as accurate a picture of B as you can and justify the elements of your picture with proofs.

Exercise 4.12

Let Σ be a theory whose finite sub-theories are consistent.

Say AΔ ⊨ Δ for all finite Δ ⊆ Σ.

Let I = { Δ ⊆ Σ ∣ Δ is finite }.

For Δ ∈ I, let XΔ = { Γ ∈ I ∣ Δ ⊆ Γ }.

Let F = { Y ⊆ I ∣ Y ⊇ XΔ for some Δ ∈ I }.

  1. Prove that F is a filter over I.
  2. Let U be an ultrafilter over I such that U ⊇ F.

    Let B = Ult ( < AΔ ∣ Δ ∈ I > , U ).

    Prove that B ⊨ Σ.

Exercise 4.13


    A = ( ℝ , 0A , 1A, | ⋅ | A, +A , -A , ×A , ÷A , <A )

be a structure with the standard zero, one, absolute value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (made total) and less than.

Let U be a nonprincipal ultrafilter over ω.

Let B = Ult ( A , U ) and π : A ≈ A* ≼ B be as in § 4.7.

As a reminder, by definition, π ( x ) = [ n ↦ x ]U where n ↦ x is the function from ω to ℝ with constant value x.

  1. Consider the identity function n ↦ n from ω to ℝ.

    Prove that [ n ↦ n ]U is an infinite element of | B | in the sense that for every x ∈ ℝ,

        π ( x )   <B   [ n ↦ n ]U.

  2. Consider the function n ↦ ( 1 / n ) from ω to ℝ.

    Prove that [ n ↦ ( 1 / n ) ]U is an infinitesimal element of | B | in the sense that for every positive x ∈ ℝ,

        π ( 0 )   <B   [ n ↦ ( 1 / n ) ]U   <B   π ( x ).

Exercise 4.14

(This exercise is for those with more set theory background.)

The upward and downward Löwenheim-Skolem theorems in Chapter 4 only distinguish between finite, countable and uncountable languages, structures and sets. More generally, the cardinality of a structure is the cardinality of its universe.

  1. Let B be an infinite structure for a countable language and X be an infinite subset of | B |.

    Then there exists an elementary substructure A of B with X ⊆ | A | such that A has the same cardinality as X.

  2. Let A be an infinite structure.

    Say A has cardinality κ and λ > κ.

    Then there exists an elementary extension B of A such that the cardinality of B is λ.

Atomless Boolean algebras

We make some definitions to be used in the four exercises that follow.

For us, the language of Boolean algebras will have two constant symbols, t and f, a unary function symbol N, two binary function symbols A and O, and a binary relation symbol I. The theory of Boolean algebras (BA) has the following ten axioms.

Intuitively, t stands for "true", f stands for "false", N stands for "not", A stands for "and", O stands for "or", and I stands for "implies".

The theory of atomless Boolean algebras (ABA) has one additional axiom:

∀ v   [ ¬ ( v ≈ F ) → ∃ u   [ I ( u , v ) ∧ ¬ ( f ≈ u ) ∧ ¬ ( u ≈ v ) ]

Exercise 4.15

We will use the notation from Exercise 2.7.

Let Σn be the set of propositional sentences that involve only Pi for i < n.

Let ╞╡n be the propositional logical equivalence relation restricted to Σn.

Recall that ╞╡n is an equivalence relation on Σn.

Define structures Bn in the language of Boolean algebras by:

It is easy to see that these definitions of N Bn , A Bn , O Bn , and I Bn do not depend on the choice of representatives.

It is easy to see that each Bn is a finite model of the Associativity, Commutativity, Distributivity, Identity and Complementation axioms.

  1. Explain why Bn satisfies the Order axiom of Boolean algebras.
  2. Explain why Bn is not an atomless Boolean algebra.

Exercise 4.16

  1. Give an example of a Boolean algebra C3 of cardinality eight.

    Explain why C3 is not isomorphic to any of the Boolean algebras Bn from Exercise 4.15.

  2. More generally, explain why, for every a ∈ ω, there exists a Boolean algebra Ca whose universe is

            | Ca | = P ( a ) = { X   |   X ⊆ a }

    and, for all members X and Y of | Ca |,

            I Ca ( X , Y )   iff   X ⊆ Y.

  3. Prove that each finite Boolean algebra D is isomorphic to exactly one Ca.

    Hint for 4.16.3     For y ∈ | D |, define y to be an atom of D   iff

            y ≠ f D and, for every x, if x I D y , then x = f D or x = y.

    Let a be the number of atoms of D.

Exercise 4.17

Let Σ be the set of propositional sentences.

Recall that the propositional logical equivalence relation ╞╡ is an equivalence relation on Σ.

Define structures B in the language of Boolean algebras by:

It is easy to see that these definitions of N B , A B , O B , and I B do not depend on the choice of representatives.

It is easy to see that B is a countable Boolean algebra.

Explain why B is an atomless.

Exercise 4.18

Let C and D be atomless Boolean algebras.

  1. Suppose that π is an isomorphism from ( | C | , I C ) to ( | D | , I D ).

    Prove that π is an isomorphism from C to D.

  2. Suppose that C and D are countable.

    Use a back and forth argument to prove there is an isomorphism from ( | C | , I C ) to ( | D | , I D ).

The combination of parts 1 and 2 shows that ABA is a countably categorical theory.

Hints for Exercise 4.18

For Part 1, start by proving that, for all x, y ∈ | C |,

        OC ( x , y ) = the I C -least z such that x I C z and y I C z.

For Part 2, start by fixing enumerations of the two universes:

        | C | = { x0 , x1 , ... , xn , ... }

        | D | = { y0 , y1 , ... , yn , ... }

By recursion on n ∈ ω, define

        Sn   ⊆   | C |

        Tn   ⊆   | D |

        πn   :   A ↾ Sn   ≈   B ↾ Tn

such that

        Sn , Tn and πn are finite

        xn ∈ Sn + 1

        yn ∈ Tn + 1

        Sn is the universe of a substructure of C

        Tn is the universe of a substructure of D

More hints for both parts of Exercise 4.18 might be added later.

(As it stands, it is a bit harder than others.)

Exercise 4.19

  1. Find an uncountable Boolean algebra that has atoms.
  2. Find a countable Boolean algebra that has atoms.