Seminars in the past: Spring 2003, Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Fall 2004, Spring 2005.

Seminars for Fall 2005.

Unless otherwise noted, talks will be between 5 and 6 p.m. on Mondays in Wean Hall, 6423.

September 1
Steven D'Silva, Lehman Brothers.
Time Consistent and Currency Invariant Convex Risk Measures (the seminar will take place in DH 4303)
Wednesday, September 14, 2005. 4:30 p.m.
Harry M. Markowitz
Nash Distinguished Lecture Series in Quantitative Finance: Portfolio Theory: Past, Present and Future
(McConomy Auditorium, University Center).
September 26
Peter Bank, Columbia University.
On Gittins' Index Theorem in Continuous Time.
October 3
Anatoli Karolik, Carnegie Mellon University.
A Model of Correlated Credit Migrations.
October 24
Kasper Larsen, Carnegie Mellon University.
The semimartingale property via bounded logarithmic utility
October 31
Dmitry Ostrovsky, Lehigh University.
Option Pricing in Random Time.
November 7
Alexander Cherny, Moscow State University.
Pricing, optimality and equilibrium based on coherent risk measures. Related papers: [1] and [2]
November 28
Albert Cohen, Carnegie Mellon University.
Cashing out: stopping diffusion as close as possible to its max.
December 5
Sean Hilden, Carnegie Mellon University.
Allocation of Risk Capital via Intrafirm Trading