21-703 Model Theory II - Spring 2006 MWF 1:30-2:20PM, PH A19A

Instructor: Rami Grossberg
Office: WEH 7204
Phone: x8482 (268-8482 from external lines), messages at x2545
Email: Rami@cmu.edu
URL: www.math.cmu.edu/~rami
Office Hours: Immediately after class or by appointment or whenever else you can find me.

Purpose. This is a second course in model theory. The main topic of discussion will be the forking relation and its basic properties..

Course description. The material to be covered: Shelah's "Forking calculus" will be developed it its outmost generality in the context of simple theories (which is a generalization of stability). The fundamental properties of stable, superstable and simple unstable theories will be developed. The machinery will be used to solve several model-theoretic problems. Including stability spectrum theorem, uniqueness of prime models and various characterizations.

Prerequisites: An introduction to model theory like 21-603.

Text: Rami Grossberg, A course in model theory , for only students in this course, by using this link you agree not to forward and/or share the contents without my explicit agreement.

Most of the material (and much more) appears in the following books:

Evaluation: Will be based on homework assignments (20%), a 50 minutes midterm (20%) and a 3 hours inclass comprehensive final written examination (60%).

Rami's home page.
Last modified: January 12th, 2006