Assignments: Week #9


Monday: Section 8.1.
Wednesday: Section 4.6.
Friday: Section 8.2.


Due Wednesday 26 October.

Problems 4, 10, 20, 24, 30 and 32 from the Second-Order Linear Differential Equations supplemental.
Section 8.1 #2, 12, 16, 28, 44.

Note: When you submit your assignment, please be sure to include: your name (on each page, preferably), your recitation section, and the names of the students with whom you have collaborated in solving the problems.

Homework may be turned in before or after recitation on Thursday Wednesday, or may be placed in your TA's mailbox before 3:20pm on Thursday Wednesday. The TA's mailboxes are in WEH 6113.

If your Recitation starts at 3:30 or later, you can still turn in your assignment there. I need leave the 3:20 cutoff for the malboxes though, so your TA's will have time to get the papers before the office closes.