M21-260 Differential Equations

Fall 1998 Course Information

Instructors: Teaching Assistants: Test Dates:
Test 1: Friday, September 25, in lecture
Test 2: Wednesday, October 21, in lecture
Test 3: Friday, November 20, in lecture
Final Exam: Monday, December 14, DH2210

Homework Assignments and Announcements

Text:  Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, by Boyce and DiPrima,
            Sixth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1997.

Course Description:
Ordinary differential equations: first and second order equations, applications, Laplace transforms;
partial differential equations: partial derivatives, separation of variables, Fourier series, applications.
Chapters in Boyce & DiPrima: 2, 3, 6, 10.
Three hours lecture, one hour recitation.
Prerequisite: 21-122.

There will be three 50 minute midsemester tests and a comprehensive final exam. No calculators will be permitted on the tests or on the final. Make-ups for the tests will only be given in case of a legitimate excuse and will be oral, in general. Permission to take a make-up can only be given by your instructor (not your TA). You will have one week from the day the tests are handed back to appeal your grade.

There will be weekly homework assignments . Homework will be assigned on Mondays and collected  at the beginning of recitation the following week. Solutions to the homework will be available to you a week later. Late homework will not be accepted.

Your course grade will be determined by the higher of the following two computations:
First computation:
0.15*(average of the homework)+ 0.6*(average of the three tests)+0.25*(grade on the final)
Second computation:
0.15*(average of homework)+ 0.5*(average of the two best tests)+0.35*(grade on the final)

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CMU homepage   Math. Sci. Dept. homepage 

Revised: Mon Jun 2 15:08:39 EDT 1997
by: Florin Manolache, florin@andrew.cmu.edu